Lower Intermediate: Lesson 2

Objectives Grammar
  1. Talk about transport and its problems
  2. Evaluate city services
  3. Ask and give info
  1. Expressions of quantity with count/noncount: too many, too much, fewer, less, more, not enough
  2. Indirect questions from wh- questions
Print Set Up
  • Handout transportation stats
  • Used to poems (half sheets)
  • Indirect questions
  • Copies of food eating HW
  • n/a

Set up: n/a

Time (Min) Objective Procedure
10 min Warm up from last time Present two "Used to" poems
they think and brainstorm their own poem
read out loud to class
15 min Review HW Use to handout
Reading of Chicken soup story
Description of own story/experience
10 min Introduction to vocabulary When I critique something there are specific words I can use to indicate if I want more or less of something.
List words on board seperating into count/noncount sides.
too many - too much
more - more
fewer - less
are not enough - is not enough
so, too, far

Review meanings of these expressions together with example sentences. Provide one then ask one student to provide another example.
15 min Conversation incorporating quantitative vocabulary on board City transportation - do you use it here?
Did you use transportation where you're from?
What are the differences?
10 min Speaking Handout of transport in the world, discussion in pairs, what are the main differences, why do you think those differences exist? What would be ideal?
listen and give feedback on conversations
ask groups to share what they think is the most important issue they discussed.
5 min Indirect questions When I am unfamiliar with an area and want to ask a stranger a question
How can I ask them in a nice way?
Write ideas on the board
Goal is to get indirect question
Point out structure of indirect questions
First asking question of "could/can you tell me...", "do you know..."
second part does not follow inverted question form "...where the nearest store is?" "...how far the beach is from here?" "...how often the bus passes?"

Give ss handout on indirect qs
Ask them to see what is the difference between the two question forms? Discuss the activity with a partner.
SS should notice the actual question they want to know is no longer inverted as in direct questions
Indirect is a more polite form, because first you are not sure this person even knows this information so adding the first "do you know" or "could you tell me" is better than directly asking the question.
5 min Natural conversation Everyone will stand up and walk around. They ask each other questions using indirect questions, but must appropriately get the others attention and say goodbye too.
5 min Feedback Give students feedback on their conversations.
10 min how to deal with rude people Ask class how to respond to a rude, impatient person, or someone who they don't understand?
Enact these situations with them as a group.
"Do I look like a tourist guide?"
"I recommend you get a map."
Mumble, "you just keep on going straight then you should see it somewhere on the street."
"You don't want to go there, it's the worst!"
"You never know, transportation here is the pits."

Use more advanced student to throw others off, give an unexpected response.
Can give other students the opportunity to give unexpected responses.
5 min HW Link at bottom of handout of indirect questions has a link of a short video to watch about transportation in the US. Also consider the questions that come after.
Handout of reading of How Eating too little is wrecking... Have to answer questions at the bottom.