Lower Intermediate: Lesson 5

Objectives Grammar
  1. Making requests
  2. Agreeing to and refusing requests
  3. Complaining
  4. Apologizing
  5. Giving excuses
    1. simple past vs present perfect
    2. Will for responding to request
    3. will vs going to
    4. Requests with modals and would you mind
      Print Set Up
      • future-will-going to
      • predictions reading
      • past vs present perfect document
      • friends clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22Nk87bT7FE
      Time (Min) Objective Procedure
      30 Review HW Essays- each ss switches essays with another student. After each student then summarizes what the other student wrote. Ss can email me their essays for corrections/feedback
      Song - Have you ever by Brandy
      Babysitter questions
      5 pres perf with recent activities Chores
      clean up
      pick up
      hang up
      put away
      take out
      throw away
      turn off
      turn on

      make sentences Have you ... yet?

      Yes I've already put them/it away.

      review these verbs with pronoun objects, are the seperable or inseperable?
      5 asking someone to do something Living with roommates or your partner, or dealing with neighbors. Sometimes you must ask for something in a polite or suggesting way. You cannot just tell them what to do.
      For example if your neighbors are very noisy, instead of telling them "be quiet!" what can you say?

      Can/could/would you...?
      Would you mind...?
      5 responding to such requests/apoligizing How would you respond when you know you have been bothering another?
      I'm sorry. I didn't realize
      I forgot..
      I'll ... right now.
      I promise I'll.../ I'll make sure to ...
      10 mingling go around and make complaints, the other must apologize
      when you start the conversation don't start with the complaint. You must say hello and lead into it in a natural way. At the end you must say goodbye smoothly as well.
      Do not use the same complaint twice
      10 future plans Difference between: I'm going to the park today. and I'll go to the park today.
      Going to is for decisions already made
      will is for plans before you have decided, is more spontaneous.

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22Nk87bT7FE Friends clip shows using both no difference.
      ss write down future uses Pheobe says
      Can use either but might sound strange in certain contexts if you use the wrong one. For example:
      If you are with a group of friends and one needs a ride home, you can volunteer and say "I'll take you" which is more appropriate than "I'm going to take you"
      going to sounds like you knew they would need a ride home and you have planned this before the moment.

      Some common expressions people use with will
      I guess I'll..
      Maybe I'll
      I think I'll
      I probably won't / I'll probably...
      15 talking about future in groups of 3-4, ss talk about some future plan that they have an idea about some things they know and other things they have not yet decided. So they should try and use both future forms.

      Topic ideas: vacation, study, travel, housing, projects, jobs, cooking, reading, tv shows to watch...
      10 will-going to class discussion of when to use either. Really not a big deal, sometimes would seem a little off using going to if it is a spontaneous action. Review the uses together.
      15 future ws go over the worksheet together, asking how they came to that decision
      extra video friends clip to highlight using going to and will interchangeably, not a big deal.
      HW HW read article about boy's predictions, write your own predictions for your life